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Our Mission

The mission of Bais Yaakov Machon Sara Yerushalayim (MSY) is to instill in each student an intrinsic love for הקב”ה and His מצוות, a deep connection to our מסורה, a greater level of חשיבות התורה, and an understanding that she will make a unique contribution to כלל ישראל.

The wholesome experience at MSY will offer a creative, intellectually stimulating curriculum of advanced תורה learning. The school will be a vibrant home away from home where students will enjoy spending their time, as they immerse in the joy of authentic learning, self-discovery, and rewarding community חסד.

The MSY graduate, grounded in אמונה and בטחון, will be confident to take on her role in the next stage of life, as she radiates שמחת החיים into her home and community. She will emerge from her MSY seminary experience with the heightened אהבת ישראל and love for ארץ ישראל and its rich history.

The MSY Student

The MSY student upholds the Bais Yaakov standards expected of בנות ישראל in all circumstances and environments.

She is looking to strengthen her relationship with הקב”ה, and seeks to be inspired; her learning, mentorships, and connections will elevate her, fortify her, and empower her to build a home ברוח ישראל סבא.

The Machon Sara Yerushalayim Guiding Principles of Self-Development

ומה ה’ דורש ממך, כי אם עשות משפט, ואהבת חסד, והצנע לכת עם אלקיך

(מיכה ו:ח)

חשיבות התורה and אמונת חכמים

Establishing תורה as the center of our lives and homes, consulting with and adhering to דעת תורה, and honoring the words of our גדולים.

צניעות and Dignity

Elevating ourselves in our choices and behavior, deepening our understanding of צניעות as it defines our essence as Jewish women.

שמחת החיים

Cultivating contentment and happiness in life as we accept what Hashem has preordained for us, embracing every opportunity for growth, appreciating the ברכה in our lives, and training ourselves to find positive attributes in others.


Committing to honesty and the quest for authenticity, wearing a תורה lens to assess and direct every decision and action in our personal home life, in the professional workforce, and in all social settings.

אהבת ישראל

Strengthening our kindness and empathy, refining our sensitivity towards others, demonstrating love, respect and acceptance of our fellow Yidden, building responsibility towards the group.


Recognizing that humility is the cornerstone of our
‘עבודת ה, and essential for all forms of learning.

The MSY Namesake

Who is the Sara of Bais Yaakov Machon Sara Yerushalayim?

Mrs. Sara Stefansky was a paragon of the בית יעקב movement. She was a תלמידה of Rebetzin Vichna Kaplan at בית יעקב of Williamsburg in its early years and internalized her mindset and values. She was an avid student who remembered every חז”ל she learned and hundreds of פסוקים in תנ”ך. She lived by the lessons she gleaned, and they served as her guideposts for the rest of her life. Her בית יעקב lens was always clear and focused.

Mrs. Stefansky succeeded in her role of supporting her husband’s learning and in serving as a mother and mentor to hundreds of people who depended on her for guidance, friendship and חיזוק. Despite her relentless חסד, she embraced her primary role as a mother and raised her children with unyielding love. She moved to Lakewood before it became the תורה community it is today, and encouraged her husband, the משגיח of בית מדרש גבוה, until today.

Mrs. Sara Stefansky hails from a lineage of Torah leaders and עסקנים. Her father, Rav Chaim Uri Lipshitz, was the son of the “Philadelphia-Vielepole Rebbe,” Rav Moshe Lipschitz, one of the מייסדים of the ישיבה of Philadelphia. R’ Chaim Uri Lipschitz, was renowned as one of the foremost עסקנים of his time. Amongst his countless accomplishments for the כלל, He founded the first ישיבה day school in Philadelphia, “Beth Jacob” and influenced many parents to take their children out of public school and enroll them in ישיבה.

Rav Moshe Lipschitz, inaugurated a chapter of Zeirei Agudas Yisrael in the late 1930s. One of the group’s successful endeavors was a שמירת שבת campaign conducted along with the Young Israel in 1942. The youth conducted weekly marches, encouraging Jewish storekeepers to close their businesses on שבת. Canvassing the city throughout the week, they prevailed upon local housewives to sign a petition not to shop on שבת.

Mrs. Stefansky’s respect for תורה learning and innate vibrancy of Yiddishkeit emerged in every facet of her family’s upbringing. Her neighbors and extended community all benefited from her empathy and support. They were attracted to her wit and wisdom, her warmth and spirit and synthesis of intuition and idealism. When her family sat shiva for her, they were astounded by the gamut of people who came and recounted how her שמחת החיים and genuine concern had strengthened them in times of challenge.

Mrs. Sara Stefansky embodied her namesake; she exemplified noble leadership, תורה wisdom, and extraordinary חסד — and her legacy shapes the mission of Bais Yaakov Machon Sara Yerushalayim.

Photo Credits: MD Yarmish

Who is the Sara of Bais Yaakov Machon Sara Yerushalayim?

Mrs. Sara Stefansky was a paragon of the בית יעקב movement. She was a תלמידה of Rebetzin Vichna Kaplan at בית יעקב of Williamsburg in its early years and internalized her mindset and values. She was an avid student who remembered every חז”ל she learned and hundreds of פסוקים in תנ”ך. She lived by the lessons she gleaned, and they served as her guideposts for the rest of her life. Her בית יעקב lens was always clear and focused.

Mrs. Stefansky succeeded in her role of supporting her husband’s learning and in serving as a mother and mentor to hundreds of people who depended on her for guidance, friendship and חיזוק. Despite her relentless חסד, she embraced her primary role as a mother and raised her children with unyielding love. She moved to Lakewood before it became the תורה community it is today, and encouraged her husband, the משגיח of בית מדרש גבוה, until today.

Mrs. Sara Stefansky hails from a lineage of Torah leaders and עסקנים. Her father, Rav Chaim Uri Lipshitz, was the son of the “Philadelphia-Vielepole Rebbe,” Rav Moshe Lipschitz, one of the מייסדים of the ישיבה of Philadelphia. R’ Chaim Uri Lipschitz, was renowned as one of the foremost עסקנים of his time. Amongst his countless accomplishments for the כלל, He founded the first ישיבה day school in Philadelphia, “Beth Jacob” and influenced many parents to take their children out of public school and enroll them in ישיבה.

Rav Moshe Lipschitz, inaugurated a chapter of Zeirei Agudas Yisrael in the late 1930s. One of the group’s successful endeavors was a שמירת שבת campaign conducted along with the Young Israel in 1942. The youth conducted weekly marches, encouraging Jewish storekeepers to close their businesses on שבת. Canvassing the city throughout the week, they prevailed upon local housewives to sign a petition not to shop on שבת.

Mrs. Stefansky’s respect for תורה learning and innate vibrancy of Yiddishkeit emerged in every facet of her family’s upbringing. Her neighbors and extended community all benefited from her empathy and support. They were attracted to her wit and wisdom, her warmth and spirit and synthesis of intuition and idealism. When her family sat shiva for her, they were astounded by the gamut of people who came and recounted how her שמחת החיים and genuine concern had strengthened them in times of challenge.

Photo Credits: MD Yarmish

Mrs. Sara Stefansky embodied her namesake; she exemplified noble leadership, תורה wisdom, and extraordinary חסד — and her legacy shapes the mission of Bais Yaakov Machon Sara Yerushalayim.